Friday, 25 May 2012

This is life, not a dress rehearsal

It's been a week since I met up with the cast of the play I'm appearing in, due to my disappearing off to Spain for four days. I arrive at tonight's rehearsal early, and am shortly joined by Pat. He's an open friendly guy, and I enjoy chatting to him. The others stroll in - mainly young sassy women wearing terrifyingly short dresses. They are, without exception, delightful company.

One of them - Charlie - has already asked me to be her Facebook friend; and I have had to tell her that despite being on Facebook, I have yet to accept a single friend request and indeed now have 20 waiting (mainly old school friends). I am scared of Facebook - it's that simple.

Charlie tells me I am a complete wuss.

She's absolutely gorgeous and only 25. I can't imagine why she seems so keen to hook up with me as I am - ahem - "somewhat older". (Later she asks me if I will play a part in a short film she has written and directed, and I say yes because I have decided to start saying YES to life more often....)

I have a bigger part in this play than I intended to have, given that this will be my first treading of the boards following a rather long sabbatical (long = quarter of a century....) So nervous was I before the first read-through, that I turned up having learned all my lines. This is now standing me in good stead, as it is allowing me to focus all my attention on giving what is hopefully a half-way decent performance.

Immersing myself in this experience is proving intensely therapeutic. I am part of a group of people all working together to achieve a common aim. Oh - we are the very thing that my work configuration suggests I am a part of! We are a TEAM !!

It's been so long since I was part of a team - one where one's contribution is valued, no matter what it's size or profile - that I have forgotten what it feels like.

This team is benefiting from a generous intelligent director, relaxed attitudes, and an absence of egos. It's a fab team. I am loving being a part of it.

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