Monday, 28 May 2012

Collateral Damage

There is a peculiar imposition upon me which "management" is now seeking - that things can go back to how they were.

Now really. This is just bonkers.

A marriage which has endured infidelity will never go back to how it was. A friendship which has suffered betrayal will never go back to how it was. Anything which has been damaged will never go back to exactly how it was.

It might endure, it might even become more positive and rewarding, but it will become something different.

The Hierarchy's merry assumption that consequences can be ignored is frustrating. But to some extent, I understand, as there was a time when I disregarded the consequences of my own actions. So I will be forever grateful to the people who forced me to confront them. When I didn't turn up yet again for a university jive class, and my dance partner promptly dumped me and started dancing with someone else. When I swore on the phone to a utility company and they subsequently refused to come and attend to my problem. And when I did something to vex the company director, and I was given a month's wages and asked to leave that very day (these things were a long time ago, you understand....)

All these things were painful and taught me to change.
I really really needed to change.

I don't know or care if the people at work who have behaved so badly towards me need to change. That's their business. But the Hierarchy has to accept that the behaviour of The Others has had consequences.

These people have caused me damage.
And so now things are - inevitably - going to be DIFFERENT.

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