Friday, 4 May 2012

God's In His Heaven..

It's dawning on me that not only have I spent the last three years working a 50-60 hour week for an employer who distanced itself from me as soon as I needed their support; but that I must have allocated at least another 10 hours a week through "hidden" contributions. The bus journeys when I did nothing but tap away on my Blackberry or read Committee papers. The completion of my time sheets over the weekend, because I never had time to do it at work. The hundreds of times I sat eating a sandwich at my desk, thinking of nothing but how I was going to solve a particular problem.

No more.

Now, when waiting for buses, I am humming the harmonies to a beautiful Nigerian song the choir has started practising. My play script is always in my bag, so I can commit a few more lines to memory before the bus arrives. I have started writing again on a daily basis, feeling long-dormant creative sinews and tendons start to uncurl and flex themselves joyously once again. The discovery that one can pray anywhere (including on public transport and in the loo) brings more serenity into my life. And to my relief and amazement, I find I am enjoying every aspect of being alive.

Naturally, this is having the effect of diminishing any lingering resentment and sense of injustice I have regarding the World of Work, because how can I feel dissatisfied when life is so much fun? Last night, for instance, I went to see a play (on my own, because my husband had another commitment), and for two hours I was convincingly transported back to the 1950's by a stellar cast and imaginative direction. Work never entered my head for a second. It was great! 

The effect of this life work balance is a genuine softening of my attitude towards New Boss. I accept that it is not his fault that some of my colleagues are C***s. (note to reader: insert the word beginning with C which is not "Cow"). I wrote New Boss a letter in response to his disappointing "am taking no action against Spiteful Manager" one, assuring him of my continuing loyalty and support - yes, it was a classic Stepford Employee missive! - but I suspect that I will genuinely support him. Unless/until he proves as mendacious as Former Boss.

He is new enough not to be tarnished. The others are a different matter...

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