An email from Personnel pops into my inbox. Would I spare some time to discuss the letter I sent to New Boss recently. Letter to New Boss? Wha....?? I rack my brains for a few seconds, before recalling the short missive I sent New Boss following his formal notification that he wasn't going to do anything about Spiteful Colleague's ghastly behaviour towards me.
My letter yabbered on in Stepford fashion assuring him of my continuing support, la la la. But buried within was also a statement to the effect that despite his decision, my view of the matter would never alter. And since handing this letter to New Boss, it just so happens that I haven't set foot in the main office.
Darn ! Just when I thought they had forgotten all about me, it seems they are determined to come rapping at my door.
Personnel is personified by a woman whom I would probably like enormously if I met her at choir, or shared voluntary work with her, or even got chatting to her on the bus. But given that her sole function over the past six months has been to slavishly protect the organisation, I am feeling just a tad disappointed with her right now.
This is not helped by some of the statements she's come out with over the past six months. Here are one or two of my hot faves:
- "You are not the only person in that department who has complained about bullying"
- "Of course, it's all Former Boss's fault. He's never done anything about the problems in his department"
- "Well, I've been shouted at too. Everyone in this office has been shouted at."
I think the last one really did it for me.
(Call me old-fashioned, but as far as I'm concerned one does not come to work to be shouted at).
For a moment or two I am on the point of accepting her offer of yet another meeting. Another opportunity to express my feelings! A chance to explain the irreparable damage which has been caused !! Insight into why the department's top performer (that's me, according to Former Boss....) spent last weekend honing her Linked In profile and therapeutically blogging her disillusionment into the ether !!!
But then Stepford Employee takes over, saving me a half hour journey each way to the Town Hall and back, and a wasted 90 minutes of my life in a totally pointless tete-a-tete. I feel thankful for my recent intensive training which enables me to write Personnel a very short email saying "hello" and "all best wishes". (The middle bit explains how I don't feel a meeting is necessary and that I would just like to get on with my job).
I press send.
I look out the window.
I feel quite cheery as the rain seems to be holding off.
I start to fancy a Flat White and a panini.
I remember I have a letter to post and I want to get some keys cut.
I leave the office.
I have a lovely lunch break.
An unusually looooooong one.
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