New Boss thinks I am "over-reacting" to Line Manager's past treatment of me, and helpfully advises me "you'd have done the same".
It is illuminating when people make this type of sweeping generalisation, as all they do is reveal something about themselves. So when New Boss makes that comment to me, of course what he actually means is "I would have done the same".
My laptop is fading at the moment, and I am having problems connecting to the internet. I keep asking IT-literate friends what type of laptop I should buy as a replacement, and the usual discussions are kicking off about the respective merits of Macs and PCs. I am unable to follow the intricacies of this particular debate, so all I really manage to glean is that although they appear to perform similar functions, they have different operating systems.
Oh - exactly like some of my colleagues!! I think to myself. They look like all the other members of my department, they appear to walk and talk in a similar manner - but there are distinct but crucial differences. Without making any kind of value judgement, it does appear that they too have alternative operating systems....
So when New Boss pronounces that I would have done the same as Line Manager, I reply "you're wrong. I wouldn't have". I don't go into the detailed explanation, which is that my operating system was hard-wired into my brain about two decades ago. This requires me whether I want to or not to do the following:
- tell the truth
- admit when I am in the wrong
- put the needs of others before my own
- make amends where necessary, and
- try to live a decent and honourable life.
Not being a saint, I operate very imperfectly (bit like my laptop...) I have particular struggles with: "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive others who trespass against us".
But my only hope is to keep trying.
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