Thursday, 9 August 2012

New Boss Attempts Some DIY

Yesterday's incident has badly rattled me.

I am still feeling full of anxiety. Not just having thoughts coloured by dread and panic, but experiencing physical symptoms - constricted feeling in my chest, fluttering in my abdomen, nausea, and tingling in my fingers.

It's not nice.

A month ago, I asked New Boss if he would refer me to Occupational Health, but when he insisted that I explain precisely what the problem was, he dismissed what I was saying with the words "that's just silly".

At which point, I terminated the discussion and the OH referral never happened. But when I pass New Boss's office at the end of what has been a very crap day, and see that he is sitting there on his own, I ask if I may have a word.

Once again, I ask if he would please refer me to Occupational Health. He tells me that after I spoke to him last time he discussed the matter with Human Resources and they advised him that I should see my GP. I remind New Boss that when I raised the matter with him last time, I had already been to see my GP and that I had spoken to him on GP's recommendation.

New Boss starts muttering something about needing A Process, otherwise he can't do anything. I tell New Boss that I feel it is very important Occupational Health know that I am still finding some aspects of the working environment very difficult. New Boss sits still but I can sense tension in his posture, and that he would really like to be rolling his eyes heavenwards.

New Boss then embarks upon one of his periodic attempts to sort out my "problems". I have stopped believing that New Boss is being deliberately insensitive, but some of his solutions reveal a depressing lack of understanding. To wit:

"You're stronger than this. I know you are"
"What are you doing this evening? Why don't you just go and eat some chips?" (yes. exact words..)
"it's not as if you are suffering from clinical depression".

At this point a light goes on!! I just happen to know that one of my colleagues has this very day been diagnosed with same (because said colleague and I have been in constant contact via our personal email addresses and mobile phones, ever since they told me how ill and desperate they were feeling and went off sick....)

The light reveals that New Boss does not give two hoots about my well being (not that he ever has).
What New Boss really really does not want is Occupational Health being notified that two of his staff are having mental health issues (anxiety and depression, of course, are both categorised as such).
New Boss does not want this, because:

a) it might reflect badly on his own leadership, and

b) it might suggest that all the concerns I have raised about bullying and mis-management within his department are actually TRUE.

I listen while New Boss burbles on proffering up useless and unsolicited suggestions, and then jump in when he pauses to draw breath.

"I appreciate your concern," I say calmly. "But I would prefer that you not keep trying to analyse me. And please stop trying to FIX me! Please could you just refer me to Occupational Health".

New Boss looks most put out.
"I'm going to need an email from you with this request" he says grumpily.
"Shall I re-send you the one I sent a month ago asking for the same thing?" I ask.
Politely but pointedly.

New Boss turns away.
"That will do fine".

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