Monday, 6 August 2012

Living Well is the Best Revenge...

People make lots of jokes about lawyers.
But I am so grateful for the good ones.

I had a problem with a neighbour a month or so ago. It hasn't been entirely resolved, but things are much better than they once were. And because I sought good legal advice, I am feeling far less intimidated than I was originally.

When I was signed off sick in February, I went to see a specialist in employment law - a personable, charming chap whom I shall call James (because that is, in fact, his name...)

James listened patiently to all I had to say - and then gave me some extremely shrewd and incisive advice. "Yes, you might have a case against your organisation", he said. "Yes, you might have a case based on their failure to tackle bullying. But you might not".

James pointed out exactly how my employers would be likely to respond. He was clear about the toll it would likely take upon me, and the emotional as well as financial costs. And he pointed out the very real risks of pursuing any kind of legal action against the overweening might and pride of Anonymous Council.

Then James said "your GP has signed you off. So make the most of it. Use this time to re-assess your life. Try and move on, as best you can, and focus on the things you like. Re-establish your priorities. Focus on living well."

Others had given me similar advice, but I was very ready to hear this particular counsel (I find that forking out £300 for advice tends to make my ears ever so alert...)

So I took James' advice, and made lots of lifestyle changes. 

I thought of that advice last night, when I was sitting in a loggia box at the Royal Albert Hall listening to Nicola Benedetti playing Bruch's "Scottish Fantasy". And I thought of it some more during her subsequent duet alongside the Leader of the Scottish Youth Orchestra - 20 year old Daniel Rainey. They played a Scottish air, completely unaccompanied, and it was so utterly beautiful I wanted it to go on forever.

Husband and I were once sitting in a Support Group meeting in California, and we heard a man say "I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't gamble, and I don't take drugs. And that leaves a helluva lotta money left over for groceries".

So we are now spending any spare cash we have on doing things we really love - and trying not to stint ourselves while we do it.

It was a helluva night last night. It really was.
Thanks James.

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