When I come home this evening, my husband welcomes me with the words "who are you?"
He hasn't seen me all weekend, but despite his joke he isn't complaining. Apparently, as long as I am doing something worthwhile with my leisure time ie Not Working, he seems happy enough that I am temporarily treating the place like a hotel. So for the past two days I have had my breakfast made for me, gone out for the entire weekend, and returned to a hot meal and a bath !!
And WHY is he being so amazingly indulgent....?
- Because I spent all Saturday morning with one sponsee, and all the afternoon with another (and my husband and I agreed a long time ago that if either of us does Support Group service, this takes precedence over everything else).
- And because I spent all Sunday with the amateur theatre crowd, and he knows this new interest is making a major contribution to my recently-acquired happiness and fulfilment.
Normally, after pursuing independent interests, I would tell him all about what I have been up to; but on this occasion I am not able to share much about my weekend at all. Firstly, because what my sponsees tell me is strictly confidential; and secondly - because my husband has not the slightest interest in my am-dram activities! He isn't even intending to come and view my long-awaited return to the boards - and I don't have a problem with his stance at all. (I'm convinced that seeing him in the audience would completely put me off).
Frankly, Husband doesn't need to wend his way to a far flung outpost of London to see the show, because I am now in character most of the time. He is therefore being treated to a substantial chunk of the performance from the comfort of his own sofa...
I love the role I am playing. My character stalks around the stage, disdainfully manipulating other people, and is always fully in control. (I can't quite imagine why the director cast me; but I am certainly relishing the opportunity to unleash my inner diva... )
Wouldn't it be fabulous if I could play this part all the time?! If I could enter the main office with a swirl of my long coat, and sweep past Ex-Army Man barking "sit down"? If I could fix Spiteful Colleague with a basilisk stare while contemptuously informing him "you're nobody special"....? If I could dismiss Politician's Daughter with a wave of my hand; and poke Remora in the chest hissing "what are you playing at?"..????
Oh well.
It's nice to dream.
But sadly, by this time next week, the final curtain will have swished shut.
And then I will only have my Stepford Employee role to fall back upon....
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