It's about 11am and I am enjoying the peace and quiet of my own office, when an email pings up. It is Line Manager announcing that in 90 mins time, the Director is coming to the main office to make a presentation to a Low Profile Colleague, who this very day has racked up 30 years in the continuous service of our local authority.
Oh bugger.
I absolutely have to go over to the building I thought I had waved a firm goodbye to yesterday. Because Low Profile Colleague is one of the unsung heroes of our department, and has given me particular help and support with my work programme over the past two years. But she works for other people too and we don't get the chance to chat much, so I had no idea that today's anniversary was looming.
I apologetically reschedule the meeting I am on the point of departing for, jiggle round a few other arrangements, buy a card and a bottle of champagne, leap on a bus, and manage to walk up the stairs to my department just ahead of the Director who is arriving to make the presentation.
It's a touching little occasion, and Low Profile Colleague says a few words in response - funny and nostalgic. As one of the people who benefit from this colleague's work, I hand over my gift and say thank you for all the support I have received. Photos are taken. We all stand around and eat strawberries; and for a few minutes, things feel like they ought to - that we are a team of people who over time have come to accept each other for what they are, and work together harmoniously to achieve a common goal.
Things feel ok - because some people are not there.
Politician's Daughter is not there.
Ex-Army Man is not there.
Above all, Remora is not there.
Spiteful Manager however is there. I suddenly notice that he is watching proceedings from his private domain - Whispering Corner - with what looks very like a sneer on his face. Usually he would be standing with The Others, all making comments under their breath and doing everything possible to deride the events before them, but clearly the presentation has caught everyone on the hop.
I briefly wonder how he feels being on his own for a change, given that he continues to do everything possible to isolate me !!
Before leaving to go back to my own office, I sit down at my desk to answer a couple of pressing emails. Seizing a rare opportunity, Line Manager does his "hovering" thing beside my chair.
"That was a nice thing to do", he says to me. "Getting Low Profile Colleague the card and champagne".
Be calm, be calm, I tell myself in Agnes Grey fashion. Because the following words are at the forefront of my brain:
"don't sound so f***ing surprised! Because strange as it may seem, and even though you did everything in your power to disprove it throughout the disciplinary procedure, actually I am a very nice person, who spends her entire life trying to do the right thing; and how I get through each day without seizing my vilest colleagues by the throats and stapling their ears to the wall, I really cannot fathom".
"My mouse doesn't seem to be working,' I say, shaking said object vaguely as I gaze into the middle distance. "I wonder why?"
After a slight pause which seems to last an eternity, Line Manager goes away.
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